Please consider referring your patients with Frozen Shoulder to Dr Jordan Davis, who is conducting a Randomised Control Trial (RCT) on treatments for this condition.

The STIFF Trial is aiming to compare the efficacy of STeroid versus PRP Injections For Frozen Shoulder (STIFF).
It is a double blind randomized controlled trial. It will be free of charge to your patient.

Patients with Frozen Shoulder (FS), and who meet eligibility criteria, will be consented and then randomized into receiving either an intra articular corticosteroid injection or a platelet rich plasma injection.

If your patient has a painful shoulder, loss of external rotation and a normal xray they would very likely be eligible for our trial. We would be grateful for your referral.

We have been offering our FS patients both these treatment options for many years. Our retrospective experience is that both are safe and can confer good clinical outcomes.

There is a lack of high quality RCTs comparing these treatments.
We aim to investigate 200 patients over the next 12 months.
We would appreciate your support in referring any of your patients that have a diagnosis of FS through to us for consideration of eligibility.

Our study clinicians include Mr Mat Brick, Mr Warren Leigh and Dr Jordan Davis.

Dr Jordan Davis, the coordinating investigator, is available on 0212491110 or by email at to answer any questions from you or your patients about the trial or their suitability.

Further information can be found online here: