PPE Disinfection

We want to understand your views, attitudes and perceptions on the disinfection of personal protective equipment (PPE) for potential reuse.


In pandemic situations, such as the current COVID-19 scenario, hospital resources are frequently stretched beyond capacity, as has already occurred in many countries across the globe. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 to and from health care and other ‘frontline’ workers and patients into the wider community relies on the availability and effective use of PPE.

Globally there are shortages of PPE, with supply chain and distribution issues, closed borders and reduced freight, and in some instances, stock that is “not fit for use”.


One proposed solution to this problem is  the disinfection of PPE for potential reuse. However, this needs to be acceptable for those who will be direct end-users. It is critical that health professionals and frontline workers’ voices are prioritised in this process.


Your responses to this survey will help us understand under what circumstances you believe it may be acceptable to undertake PPE disinfection for potential reuse. This study is not advocating for PPE reuse per se, rather whether it is acceptable.


View details of the survey here: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/fmhs/research/research-study-recruitment/ppe-disinfection-reuse.html


You can take the survey using the link below, where you can also find the participant information sheet and consent form. You can choose to go in the draw to win one of three $100 vouchers (Pak’N’Save or petrol). Thank-you for your valuable time with this survey.




The survey closes on Tuesday 3rd November.


Approved by the Auckland Health Research Ethics Committee on 30 September 2020 for three years. Reference number AH2640.


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